Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lime Ceviche.... YUM!

Ceviche.  Almost anyone that's ever been to a Latin country will tell you they've had it.  For those of you that don’t know what Ceviche is let me give you a teeny bit of  back ground on it… it is basically raw seafood or shellfish that is “cooked” in lime, lemon, orange or even grapefruit juice.  It’s typically thought of as a Peruvian dish but it’s prevalent in most Latin American countries and each one has their own twist on it.  From Mexico to Ecuador, Philippines to Panama…. everyone’s got their own spin on this fresh fish dish.

I have issues with Ceviche though.  It’s sort of a love hate kinda thing.  I absolutely love the idea of raw seafood being cooked or macerated in lime juice, but can’t stand cilantro!  Yes, I know… It’s an absurd thing not to like, but I’m not alone in my distain for cilantro, or so I’d like to think! And well, most ceviche is made with it.  So I’ve got a fair compromise… I don’t order it in restaurants and make it myself and make just my portion with out it.  My husband tells me every time I’m not getting the “true” ceviche experience but hell, I’m ok with that!

I’m not quite sure where or what region you’d say mine is from… I take a little bit from here and a little bit from there, but I do know one thing… it’s YUM! (even with out cilantro!) For the sake of argument today, I made mine with cilantro! So ceviche enthusiasts there you have it! 
 I hope you enjoy this recipe!


1 pound of firm fresh red snapper 
(cut into small ½ inch pieces)
½ pound bay shrimp
½ pound bay scallops
½ cup fresh squeezed lime juice
¼ cup lemon juice
½ of each-red & yellow bell pepper finely diced
½ red onion finely diced
1 tablespoon salt
½  jalapeno finely diced
½ bunch cilantro chopped
Pinch of Cayenne or Tabasco

In a glass pyrex bowl (do not use aluminum, it is reactive and will discolor the fish as it’s mascerating) place the all the ingredients together and give it a gentle mix.  Cover and place in the refrigerator and allow to sit for at least one hour.  Remove after an hour give it a more through stir and put it back into the fridge for at least another hour or two…. the longer the fish is exposed to the citrus acid, the tastier it’s going to be and it will absorb the all of the flavors.

The fish will turn color while it’s marinating.  It will start off as a pink raw looking color and slowly turn into a white opaque color. 
It can sit for up to 24 hours before serving!
Chopped avocado is fantastic in this dish as well! 

Serve individually in martini glasses with some tostada shells on the side! 

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